
Wednesday, May 19, 2010

God on Facebook?

I've been reflecting on the world of facebook lately and I recently asked God what He thinks about it. It's strange to think of God having an opinion about the the internet, technology, social networking, etc. but when Jesus walked the earth, he always taught in culturally relevant ways, so why wouldn't He do the same today?
Here is what I believe He spoke to me about it: I Read Your Status Updates!  How cool is that!?! This has all kinds of implications and here are some of the ones I see:

1. Out of the overflow of the Heart, the profile is updated.  Have you ever noticed that some of our updates are often discouraging, negative and hopeless?  If you look back over your last 30 updates, what would it say about your character, your attitude, your relationship with God?  Lately I've been trying hard to only update my status with words that are positive, hopeful and most of all, TRUTHFUL!  I'm am certainly not someone who is naturally positive and I'm all for being genuine.  However, I'm also learning the power of speaking God's truth over my life and my circumstances, even when things are tough.  Updating my profile has become another way to practice speaking truth over my life.

2. God loves you a lot!  He cares about the little details of your life more than anyone else!  Isn't that why we're on facebook and why we update our status?  We want people to know us and to care about us!  We put it out there so people will understand, listen and maybe respond to our thoughts, feelings, musings, etc.  If we didn't care, we wouldn't do it. God reads your updates! He cares about the little details of your life and he wants to comment.  Are we updating him as much as we're updating the world?  And are we listening for His comments?  


Gail said...

Very thought-provoking, Heather! If Jesus physically walked the earth with us now, I imagine the cyber world would present a whole new category of parables! Just the other day I was watching something on the Disney channel with my son. They actually showed a public service announcement disguised as movie short on the consequences of posting inappropriate stuff on social networking sites. I was shocked at first, but then I realized that this is what we have come to.

Thanks for sharing your recent conversation with God about Facebook.

Gail Crust

Amy said...

WOW!!! That kind of stung a little. Like others I have used the excuse "I don't have time" to not study my bible but it seems I find the time to update and review Facebook. I don't believe FB is wrong but like anything else it has to be put in it's place, way down the list.

Kim Kaberle said...

Hmmm...something to think about. My son (24yr.) says I am always on my computer (FB). I love my FB friends and love hearing from so many Christian women and the wonderful inspiration that is given. I find it incredible to be in the presence of so many awesome women whose hearts are on fire for the Lord. I think God would love it!! He is being Glorified all over the world on FB. We can find God in everything we do.