
Saturday, May 01, 2010

Not for Sale

I just got home from YC Manitoba where I was hanging out with my dear friend Amanda Falk.  I  had the opportunity to listen to an amazing speaker named Preston Centuolo who spoke powerfully about the story of Joseph.  He talked about the four things that Joseph held onto and would not put "up for sale".
They were:
1. His Dreams 
2. His Sexuality 
3. His Perspective
4. His Forgiveness

Although I personally have struggled in all four of these areas, the one that hit home was #1 - His Dreams.  Joseph had a dream from God, and even when his own brothers, those closest to him, beat him down and threw him in a pit, he did not give up on the dream God had given him.
In 2002 I traveled to New Zealand to attend Capernwray Bible School.  When school finished I went to Australia for a few weeks.  One particular day I ended up in Byron Bay and a church called Surfside Christian Fellowship.  It was there that God first planted His dream for me in my was this: "Don't stop until you're speaking in front of thousands of people.  God has called you to be a speaker/preacher".  It was the first time I ever heard these words, but when I did, the just fit.  They made me feel whole.  I knew they were from God.
Since that time I have begun to see this dream come true.  I've had the opportunity to serve on the Beautiful Unique Girl tour and to speak at summer camps, retreats, conferences and church events.  I have traveled across Canada and Australia and spoken to many youth and young adults.  But there are days like today when I feel I'm still so far away and Satan, the King of Lies, tries to steal my dream.    There are days like today when I go to an event like YC Manitoba and begin to doubt that I will ever have the chance to speak at something like that.
Today I was there with my friend who has been involved in YC events for several years, but I was just there as "Amanda's friend".  Don't get me wrong, that's all I wanted to be there for, but some part of me longs for more.  I want to be there as "Heather Boersma - Youth Speaker".  I want to see my name in that program and know I have the opportunity to share God's truth with those who come.  I believe that's what I was made to do and yet there's is nothing I can do to make it happen.  I can prepare, and pray, and be patient, but in the end it will have to be God.  It's not about's about Him. 
Amidst all of this emotion, I heard the truth spoken tonight.  And I'm laughing in the face of doubt and declaring truth over my life - My Dream is Not for Sale!


Lilla said...

awesome, so happy about God speaking to you about your dreaming big. In summer of 1985, or was it 84?, anyway we were in BC. We were visiting with a couple and we spent time praying for each other. The couple while praying for me told me that God had a message for me, to keep dreaming and keep dreaming big. I will keep what it was all about to myself for now, but I can tell you God has given me many of the desires of my heart, planted there by Him. It is awesome to watch the plans He has unfold. So relax and enjoy the ride, it will be awesome, beyond your wildest dreams. I am glad to be a spectator watching your dreams unfold. Blessings on you!!!!!

Aunt Linda, sign in name lilla, was one of the nicknames my brother had for me.

ruthdyck said...

You go girl! Never let go of that dream. Never doubt in darkness what God has shown you in the light. He will lead and guide and speak into your life. Blessings, and praying for you as well, Aunt Ruth

Amy said...

This post has been rolling around in my head for day now. When I first read it I said to myself," I have not sold my dream. In fact I just found it and I am working towards it." However, something about your words made me continue to question if my statement was true. I prayed several time asking God why "Not for Sale" bothered me so much. Last night He revealed to me that I am "walking on a treadmill" toward my dream. That I had sold out to fear. Fear of failure. Fear of success. Just Fear. I have done the comfortable things that I need to step toward my dream over and over again but I have not taken the next step that He has called me to. It is time to stop walking on the treadmill and time to run on the real road to the dream He has placed in my heart.