
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

A Theory Put to Test

So you know yesterday's blog?  Well, I was just put to test on the very thing I wrote about and not too sure I passed with flying colours.

Last week we bought a house.  It's a little bigger than the one we have now and in a beautiful neighborhood.  It's close to the river and a great park - a lovely place to walk the dog and eventually raise a family.  The day we bought the house we also listed our current place and spent last week sweeping, mopping, vacuuming, painting and preparing for the Open House.  Over 50 groups came through our place during the weekend and we were expecting several bids because of this.  However, when it came time for the offers, it didn't exactly go the way we hoped...

"There's only one bid." Alex looked at me with his eyebrows raised, waiting for my reaction.

"Really?" I felt my heart sink.  "Only one?"

We both looked at our realtor hoping for a sign that he was pulling a fast one on us. 

"Yes, just one.  Let's have a look at it shall we?"  He opened the folded piece of paper and looked relieved.  "It's not a bad offer."  He slid the paper over and we looked at the numbers, doing quick math in our heads.

I felt the disappointment sink in a little deeper, like red wine soaking into a plush white carpet.  It wasn't a terrible offer - in fact it was over our list price.  However, it was lower than we were hoping or expecting.  As we discussed and debated what to do I held back the tears threatening to make an embarrassing appearance.  Such high hopes, and adjusting to the new information was proving to be difficult.  In the end we took the offer and signed our little house over. 

Later that evening Alex and I talked and he encouraged me that God was in control and would take care of all the details.  I knew he wanted me to say it too - to speak my faith into being.  But I just couldn't.  I didn't say anything negative - but I missed the opportunity to speak life into being.  As I said yesterday, I'm still learning.  This morning I had the strength to speak the truth, but I hope next time I'm able to speak it at my lowest point, knowing the faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we cannot see.

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