
Thursday, June 11, 2009

Learning about Life from a Dog?
So lately I've been learning some life-lessons from our 4 month old puppy, Bailey. Here are some of the lessons that she's helping me learn:
1. Material possession like, carpet, couches, table legs, coffee tables, sweaters, jeans, shirts, underwear, socks, cables and drywall are really not what life's about. They are the treasures of earth that rust, and mould and get destroyed by puppies.
2. Patience proves itself true when one can actually stay calm as they are being bitten, head-butted, peed on, chased, chewed and barked at.
3. Dogs smell funny.
4. Life happens so fast and little turns into medium and then big before you know it. Enjoy each stage cuz you can't get em back.
5. I'm not ready to have kids.


Chantal Wiebe, M.Ed said...

funny - those are the lessons we learned but with kids who pee on you, chew your clothes, etc.

Kim Lavender-Kitchen said...

Yay for having kids! Oh crap! haha.